I wanted to know how my different amp sim plugins sound in direct comparison: I have Amplitube 3 and 4 from IK Multimedia, Guitar
Rig 5 from Native Instruments and the VGA2 from Studio Devil.
I also tried to match the cab sim with the Nebula emulation preset from Ownhammer accordingly (IMHO the Nebula cab sim sounds more realistic and is better to work with in the mix (it has more 'meat' if you know what I mean ;-))
IKM Amplitube 3
British Lead S100 with matching Amplitube cab
JH Gold with matching Amplitube cab (J120)
JH Gold with Nebula Ownhammer cab sim (Marshall 4x12 1960B with JBL D120F)
British Tube Lead 1 with matching Amplitube cab
AFD 100 with Amplitube cab (J120)
AFD 100 with Nebula Ownhammer cab sim (Marshall 4x12 1960B with JBL D120F)
Orange OR 120 with matching Amplitube cab
Orange OR 120 with Nebula Ownhammer cab sim (Marshall 4x12 1960B with Celestion V30)
IKM Amplitube 4
Brit 8000 with matching Amplitube cab
Brit 8000 with Nebula Ownhammer cab sim (Marshall 4x12 1960B with Celestion Classic Lead 80)
Red Pig with matching Amplitube cab
Red Pig with Nebula Ownhammer cab sim (Marshall 4x12 1960B with Celestion Classic Lead 80)
Brit Silver with matching Amplitube cab
Brit Silver with Nebula Ownhammer cab sim (Marshall 4x12 1960B with Celestion G12-T75 RI)
Native Instruments Guitar Rig 5
Lead 800 with matching GR5 cab
Lead 800 with Nebula Ownhammer cab sim (Marshall 4x12 1960B with Celestion V30)
Jump with matching GR5 cab
Jump with Nebula Ownhammer cab sim (Marshall 4x12 1960B with Celestion V30)
Studio Devil VGA2
Brit Crunch Type 1 with matching VGA2 cab
Brit Crunch Type 1 with Nebula Ownhammer cab sim (Marshall 4x12 1960B with Celestion V30)